
Interface Objects

These objects, divided into functions, pages and objects, compose the client application GUI. Please refer to the ”User Interface” section. Each object allows the user to check the system status and control the integrated elements. All these objects shares the following


Function is a sort of chapter that can collect several graphical pages. Properties can be easily adjusted from the settings window that is displayed on the right side when selecting a function from the list:


This object is the fundamental element for the User Interface. All the other customized objects forming the project are added on the page element. Each page can have a background color enabled, or a background image selected from the list available inside the software.

 Example of Background

Example of Background

 Example of Background

Example of Background


This object allows the user to create a popup instead of a page. Similar to a page, a popup can contain the majority of the User Interface objects. The popup can be designed with a different background, and can be recalled from a Generic Button or from a trigger inside the logic Module.

 Example of a Popup

Example of a Popup



This object groups interface objects together, encloses them in a menu, and allows for individual or group management. In the case of a group, it enables parameter management through an interface window, useful for a series of identical hotel rooms for example.

Example of graphical view

Example of graphical view

Parameter Manager Gruop 1

Parameter Manager Gruop 1

 Group with Run Time View disabled

Group with Run Time View disabled

Group without Run Time View enabled

Group without Run Time View enabled

Group with Run Time View disabled

Group with Run Time View disabled

Group without Run Time View enabled

Group without Run Time View enabled

Example of tree view

Example of tree view


This object allows to import a (PNG or JPG) image file in the project. (It can be used for example as interface background).


This object allows to insert text labels in the GUI.

 Example of texts

Example of texts


This object is used for every kind of switching command: toggle, dimming, ”send 1”, ”send 0”, ”send 1 on press and 0 on release”, etc. If linked to a ”Switch schedule” object, this object can be used with a timer.

 Example of switches

Example of switches


This object allows the user to control an RGB or RGBW or Tunable White lamp from the application. With the possibility of creating color cycles of choice, also choosing the dimming time.

 Example of a RGBW Lamp

Example of a RGBW Lamp


Chronotermostat object that allows the user to set hourly, daily and weekly temperatures and boiler programs. It reads the current temperature and gives the feedback of heating and cooling valve.

Example of a thermostat in manual mode

Example of a thermostat in manual mode

Example of a chronotermostat configured

Example of a chronotermostat configured


This object allows to control an air conditioning device integrated into the system, set temperature, set mode, set ventilation and receive feedback from the machine.

Example of a HVAC configured controller

Example of a HVAC configured controller


This object allows the user to control rollers with different type of movement like Up/Down, Left/Right and rotations.

Example of a Roller shutter with Up/Down movement

Example of a Roller shutter with Up/Down movement

Example of a Roller shutter with Up/Down movement & Rotation

Example of a Roller shutter with Up/Down movement & Rotation

Example of a Roller shutter with Left/Right movement

Example of a Roller shutter with Left/Right movement

It is highly recommended to correctly plug in the cables in the actuator in order to avoid the need to set the inverted functioning.


This object allows to visualize a value read from KNX or from any other source in the GUI. The object permits also to set a value using a slider if this functionality is correctly set up.

Example of analog value as number

Example of analog value as number

Example of analog value as slider

Example of analog value as slider

Example of analog value as circle

Example of analog value as circle

Example of analog value as bar

Example of analog value as bar


This object allows the user to launch, set or record a scene directly from the client interface.

Example of a scene

Example of a scene

Example of a scene option

Example of a scene option


This object allows the user to answer the intercom from client application.

Example of the intercom object

Example of the intercom object


This object allows to display in the client interface the data stored in the Cloud database previously configured in the chart.

To work properly this object requires an active internet connection and the ThinKnx Cloud enabled and configured!

Example of a chart

Example of a chart

Example of a chart

Example of a chart


This object allows to add the weekly weather forecast to the project.

To work properly this object requires an active internet connection because the data are downloaded from an external server!

Example of the Weather of Milan

Example of the Weather of Milan


This object allows to add a web browser inside a project page, allowing the user to access web pages using one single application.

Note that URLs with HTTPS used for secure communication are not yet available for the Web Browser object, and that there are some navigation limitations due to the inavailability of certain plugins.

Example of a web page

Example of a web page


This object is a dashboard used by the user in the client application to manage the Irrigation system object. It allows the user to independently set up zone programs and manage daily start times through the calendar.

Example of a irrigation panel without program running

Example of a irrigation panel without program running

Example of a irrigation panel with program running

Example of a irrigation panel with program running

Example of a irrigation panel calendar program

Example of a irrigation panel calendar program


This generic button can be configured in order to perform a specific action (f.e: send telegrams on bus, launch a scene,show a popup, send a push notification,change function and page). It can be programmed to control each server service.

Example of generic commands

Example of generic commands


This object is a particular button that, reading a value from KNX or a different data source, can switch between different states defined by the user. States can be represented by different images or strings. Depending on the data type of the source, strings for the states can also come directly from the source (for instance it is possible to show text coming from KNX or date and time). For each state it is possible to associate two actions, one for press and one for long press event. With this object it is possible to create very complex interaction elements like gauges, dynamic texts etc.

Example of Extended command

Example of Extended command


This object allows the user to visualize the status of an alarm sensor and provides the option to exclude it.

Example of sensor

Example of sensor


This object allows the user to enable/disable the alarm for all the partitions or just for some of them.

Example of Alarm Keyboard

Example of Alarm Keyboard


This object allows the user to visualize the streaming of an IP camera in the application.


This object allows the user to control Thinknx Audiofy from inside the Thinknx application, instead of using the independent Audiofy application.



This object allows the user to visualize the position of the sun via a chart, displaying sunrise and sunset times, as well as graphically depicting its movement along the Earth's axis. Arrows provide the option to change the time.

 Example of Suntrack Panel

Example of Suntrack Panel



Soon to be



The device to add all the pages and objects needed for the project

 List of devices in the configurator

List of devices in the configurator


This object is the fundamental element for the User Interface. All the other objects forming the project are added on the page element. There is no limit to the graphical objects on this page; once you exceed 8 small-sized ones, a scroll-down menu will be created. Each page can have a background color enabled, or a background image selected from the list available inside the software.

Picture with gray color and opacity 50

Picture with gray color and opacity 50

Picture with red color and opacity 70

Picture with red color and opacity 70


This object is used for every kind of switching command: toggle, dimming, ”send 1”, ”send 0”, ”send 1 on press and 0 on release”, etc. If linked to a ”Switch schedule” object, this object can be used with a timer.

Switch Widget without buttons and bevel

Switch Widget without buttons and bevel

Switch Widget without bevel & with buttons

Switch Widget without bevel & with buttons

Switch Widget as a dimmer small and custom background when on

Switch Widget as a dimmer small and custom background when on

Middle size switch with custom buttons and background when on

Middle size switch with custom buttons and background when on

Middle size switch

Middle size switch

Switch Widget as a dimmer small

Switch Widget as a dimmer small

 Middle size switch as a dimmer

Middle size switch as a dimmer


This object allows the user to control an RGB lamp from the client application.

 RGB Lamp

RGB Lamp

 RGBW Lamp



Chronotermostat object that allows the user to set hourly, daily and weekly temperatures and boiler programs. It reads the current temperature and gives the feedback of heating and cooling valve.

 Thermo comfort

thermo comfort

 Thermo comfort with Extended UI

Thermo comfort with Extended UI


This object allows to control an air conditioning device integrated into the system, set temperature, set mode, set ventilation and receive feedback from the machine.




This object allows the user to control rollers with different type of movement like Up/Down, Left/Right and rotations.

 Middle Size Roller Shutter

Middle Size Roller Shutter

 Small size roller shutter only for rotations

Small size roller shutter only for rotations

 Middle Size Roller Shutter with rotation

Middle Size Roller Shutter with rotation

 Small size roller shutter

Small size roller shutter


This object allows to visualize a value read from KNX or from any other source in the GUI. The object permits also to set a value using a slider if this functionality is correctly set up.

 Analog value

Analog value

 Analog value with custom bar,custom image and active background

Analog value with custom bar,custom image and active background


This object allows the user to launch, set or record a scene directly from the client interface.




This object allows the user to answer the intercom from client application.




This object allows to add the weekly weather forecast to the project.

To work properly this object requires an active internet connection because the data are downloaded from an external server!

 Small size Weather object

Small size Weather object

 Middle size Weather object

Middle size Weather object



This generic button can be configured in order to perform a specific action (f.e: send telegrams on bus, launch a scene,show a popup, send a push notification,change function and page). It can be programmed to control each server service.

Example of various size of generic command

Example of various size of generic command


This object is a particular button that, reading a value from KNX or a different data source, can switch between different states defined by the user. States can be represented by different images or strings. Depending on the data type of the source, strings for the states can also come directly from the source (for instance it is possible to show text coming from KNX or date and time). For each state it is possible to associate two actions, one for press and one for long press event. With this object it is possible to create very complex interaction elements like gauges, dynamic texts etc.


This object allows the user to visualize the streaming of an IP camera in the application.



This UI Object allows you to create an out-of-door page to manage room requests. It includes options to indicate if the room is on “do not disturb” mode, to request room cleaning, to use it as a keyboard for access, or to generate a QR code for download the room project.

Example of a Guest Room Object

Example of a Guest Room Object


  • inter_objs.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/27 16:46
  • by francesco