
It represents the command to be executed when a value on the input connector is received.

  • Trigger It determines the behaviour of the node for the command execution:
    • On trigger If selected, a new Trigger input connector is added to the node, which executes the command whenever the connector value is 1 (or 0 if the connector is inverted)
    • On parameter value change If selected and the parameters are input connectors of the node, whenever the value of an input connector is updated, executes the command
  • Command It is the command to execute. If the selected command has parameters, they are added to the property grid as new node properties, and for each parameter it is possible to assign a value or to make it become an input connector for the node so that the value for the parameter is dynamic.
  • lm_output_command.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/03/20 17:04
  • by